What’s the story?

Ladies and gentlemen, step into the world of sports scoring solutions, where technology meets sports in perfect harmony.

From the thunderous roar of the crowd to the adrenaline pumping through athletes’ veins, every moment on the field, court, or track is a chance for greatness. Now, imagine a scoring system that not only captures every point, goal, or try with utmost accuracy but also elevates the overall experience for players, coaches, and fans alike.

With our cutting-edge sports scoring solutions, we bring a new level of sophistication to the game. Gone are the days of relying on pen and paper, human error, or uncertain outcome assessments. Our intelligent technologies seamlessly integrate into your sporting events, providing real-time results, instant updates, and comprehensive statistics at your fingertips.

Whether it’s a high-stakes match or a friendly competition, our scoring solutions offer unparalleled precision and reliability. Utilizing basic electronic devices, data analytics, and robust software platforms, we capture sports achievements in real-time, leaving no room for doubt or ambiguity.

No longer will players have to question their performance or rely on biased judgments. Coaches can access instant data and key insights to devise winning strategies and make informed decisions on the field. Fans, both in person and remotely, can immerse themselves in the excitement, engaging with live updates and interactive visualizations.

Our sports scoring solutions cater to a wide range of sports, including table tennis, indoor cricket, soccer, netball, hockey, and many more. Customizable to suit different game, competition and tournament formats, rules, and scoring systems, we aim to integrate with existing infrastructures, ensuring a smooth transition and minimal disruption.

We invite you to join us on this transformative journey as we revolutionize sports scoring. Together, let’s embrace innovation, accuracy, and the thrill of the game like never before. With our sports scoring solutions, the future of sports awaits you.

Where it all started

SKORA started out as a simple buddy finder towards the end of 2013, and quickly evolved into strong tournament management software offering various tournament formats for different sport types. Over time the need for federation and club management arose, which was closely followed by scoring software and scoreboard solutions for venues.